App SDK error code list

Error Code Description Note
0 Successful. No error
Firmware-related errors Error code range: -1 ~ -999
-1 Authentication failed. The authentication code was changed. You need to pair the device again.
-2 Logged in from other devices. You have been logged out.
-3 The device is offline
-4 Not supported command
-5 The device storage is full Timeout of Module to the electronic command
-6 Structure is abnormal
-7 Control key is expired. Please configure the device again in WLAN.
-8 Send error
-9 Write error General timing Settings, large data write error
-10 Read error General timing reading, data reading error is large
-11 Ssid could not be found in AP configuration
Account-related errors Error code range:-1000 ~ -1999
-1000 Invalid session Please log in again
-1001 The server is busy Requests are too frequent
-1002 The verification code is incorrect
-1003 The account exists
-1005 The account exists
-1006 The account or password is incorrect
-1007 The verification code is invalid
-1008 The account or password is incorrect
-1009 Please log in first
-1010 Original password is incorrect
-1011 The avatar does not exist
-1012 Please log in again
-1013 The information does not match Request data does not match cloud data
-1014 Please try again after 3 hours
-1015 The email address is incorrect
-1019 The avatar file uploaded is too large
-1020 The email address or password is incorrect
-1021 Too frequent attempts for registration
-1023 Insufficient remaining times for login
-1027 Sending verification code failed
-1028 The mobile phone number is incorrect
-1029 Saving avatar failed
-1030 Too frequent attempts to obtain verification code
-1031 Verification code is timeout or does not exist
-1032 The mobile phone number exists
-1033 The phone number or password is incorrect
-1034 SMS Verification Code is not checked
-1035 The account does not exist
-1036 Too frequent retry attempts. Please wait for some time and try again.
-1037 The login information is incorrect
-1038 The email address exists
-1039 The verification code is invalid
-1040 Too frequent attempts to send SMS
-1041 The data is too long
-1042 The permission format is incorrect This error code is not returned normally
-1043 The permission exists This error code is not returned normally
-1044 The role format is incorrect
-1045 The role exists
-1046 The company exists
-1047 The company does not exist
-1049 The account is disabled
-1050 The password has been reset. Please modify directly.
-1051 Not supported third party OAuth platform
-1052 OAuth failed
-1099 Too frequent requests
Home-related errors Error code range: -2000 ~ -2999
-2000 Unsupported protocol version, please upgrade APP
-2001 Server busy The server has a problem, the configuration path is wrong, and the deployed URL is not correct
-2002 The data is error JSON data resolution abnormal - The data requested is missing
-2003 Request is invalid The token validation is failed
-2004 The request is expired
-2005 Saving picture error
-2006 User did not log in
-2007 No permission
-2008 This home does not exist
-2009 The QR code is expired
-2010 The QR code is invalid
-2011 The user is already a member of this home
-2012 The user is not a member of this home
-2013 The home owner cannot be kicked out
-2014 The information is not up to date The home information is up to date. Please refresh home version.
-2015 Unknown barcode
-2016 The room cannot be deleted because device exists in the room
-2017 The scene cannot be deleted because device exists in the scene
-2018 Cannot find product
-2019 Data conflicted
-2020 User not from testing group
-2021 Name conflicted
-2022 Phone number not original from user
-2023 The data is too long
-2024 The data is too long
-2025 Key value not allowed
-2026 Too many devices in home
-2027 Device not bound to home member
-2028 Operation not allowed It will not be used for app but other platforms
-2029 Parameter does not match Management parameter is incorrect for scenes and devices (not del/add/update)
-2030 Device does not belong to home
-2031 Device does not exist
-2032 Too many modules to be added in one time
-2033 The room cannot be deleted because sub-device exists in the room
-2034 User does not exist
-2035 VT device exist
-2036 VT does not exist
-2037 VT list is empty
-2038 Too many VTs to be edited
-2039 Duplicated
-2040 Device information is not intact Aeskey, pid and devtype in device information and did and pid in sub-device information are missing
-2041 Updating cache is failed
-2042 Data too long
-2043 Number of homes exceeds limit
-2044 This home is not shared
-2045 Device exists Device exists in group when adding group devices
-2046 Object does not exist Object like device or scene does not exist in home
-2047 Home owner exists
-2048 Device exists
-2049 Cannot find related information when updating device or scene information
-2050 JSON format error
-2051 No picture data
-2052 Number of homes exceeds limit
-2053 The QR code is expired
-2054 Delete non-common member
-2055 The member is shared
-2056 Data reporting error
APPSDK相关错误 Error codes range from -3000~-3999
-3001 System abnormal error JSON data parsing abnormal
-3002 The input parameter error Interface parameter error. Please check.
-3003 Account not logged in Please log in again
-3004 Network error. HTTP request failed. Please check network conditions and server deployment
-3005 Network request too frequently Please do not send request too frequently.
-3006 No return from server Please check server deployment
-3007 The command does not exist. It is not supported. Interface command error. Please check.
-3008 The configuration thread already exists Please check if the configuration thread is ended.
-3009 The SDK does not have permission for writing/reading SD card The SDK needs to download script to SD card. Please grant with the permission.
-3103 The device is not found Please invoke addDevice to add the device.
-3104 Obtaining token error Not in use
-3105 Querying resource is abnormal Not in use
-3106 Cannot find requested resources File downloading error. Please confirm the content queried.
-3107 Body format error File downloading error. Please confirm the content queried.
-3108 Necessary field missing File downloading error. Please confirm the content queried.
-3109 The TOKEN/URL is expired File downloading error. Please confirm the content queried.
-3110 Request method error File downloading error. Please confirm the content queried.
-3111 User requested stop Not in use
-3112 Extracting files failed Please check if the zip file contains any file with Chinese name not in UTF-8
-3113 File does not exist
-3114 DNS resolution failed Please check network conditions and server deployment
-3115 The AccessKey is blank
-3116 The user already cancelled OAuth authentication
-3117 File decoding failed
-3118 Getting device AESKEY failed Please pair the device again
DNASDK related errors Error codes range from -4000~-4999
-4000 Network timeout Check the network status and ping to test timeout
-4001 Device is not in WLAN Device pairing must be done in WLAN
-4002 User cancelled EasyConfig
-4003 System invoking failed Create network socket failed
-4004 System invoking failed Set network socket attribute failed
-4005 System invoking failed Network socket sending data packet failed
-4006 System invoking failed Operating network socket failed
-4007 Received data packet length error
-4008 Received data packet check error
-4009 Received data packet information type error
-4010 Received encrypted data packet length error
-4011 Received encrypted data packet check error
-4012 Device control ID error Device is reset and not re-configured
-4013 Domain name resolution error Check network. You can try to set the router’s DNS to be
-4014 SDK initialization failed The detailed error message can be found in “msg” in returned JSON
-4015 Invalid transferred parameter The detailed error message can be found in “msg” in returned JSON
-4016 Data type error in transferred parameter of JSON The detailed error message can be found in “msg” in returned JSON
-4017 JSON error in transferred parameter of device information The detailed error message can be found in “msg” in returned JSON
-4018 System invoking failed Dynamic RAM allocation failed
-4019 Not in use
-4020 Script resolution error File does not exist or script syntax error Please check if the filepath is correct during SDKInit
-4021 Not in use
-4022 Not supported command
-4023 License is blocked License with illegal use records will be blocked in blacklist
-4024 Too frequent operations
-4025 SDK does not support remote control If “localctrl” is true during invoking “SDKInit”, all remote operations will be reported with this error.
-4026 Data sent or received error
-4027 Not in use Reserved
-4028 Main board does not respond in time Check the connection between Wi-Fi module and main board
-4029 Server does not exist Please contact BroadLink for resolution
-4030 Data buffer too small This error is usually found when script error occurs
-4031 Script resolution error Transfer failed from standard command to main board command
-4032 Script resolution error Transfer failed from main board command to standard command
-4033 System invoking error All system invoking failures will return this error (except exemptions specified above)
-4034 SDK is registering Waiting for completion of registration
-4035 SDK is not authenticated invoke SDKAuth function
-4036 Invalid license The license is not valid
-4037 Connecting SSL to server failed Please check network conditions
-4038 SSL and server handshake failed Please check network conditions
-4039 SSL certificate invalid Please contact BroadLink for resolution
-4040 SSL writing data error Please check network conditions
-4041 Please check network conditions Please check network conditions
-4042 SSL reading data content failed Please check network conditions
-4043 Encryption type is not supported
-4044 Cannot find matched key for remote control JSON Please check if the appservice is deployed and then check the network conditions
-4045 Data field type error in remote control JSON Please check if the appservice is deployed and then check the network conditions
-4046 Data field parsing error in remote control JSON Please check if the appservice is deployed and then check the network conditions
APPService related errors Error codes range from -49000~-50000
-49001 Network error
-49002 Server error Internal connection error between servers (mostly background service bug)
-49004 Parameter error Requested JSON format error
-49006 Request error Request errors like license error
-49008 Requested command error Command parsing error (LUA script parsing)
-49009 Unauthentication error
-490010 Device error
-490011 Requested content error Requested content errors like parameter void